Monday, September 19, 2011


After visiting Dale yesterday, it was good yet not so good. He was more alert, yet still very weak. His voice was better, yet his words not encouraging. After two pints of blood, he seemed better, yet not well. Appetite improved, yet nausea prevails. The 72 hour vicious chemo began (it is on the drip lines but in a dark bag and the fluid in the lines is a pink color--cherry flavor???), yet the diarrhea returns. He told me the night before was very bad with hallucinations and overall upsetting night. This morning, he said not as bad as the night before, but still some hallucinations and almost no resting. Dale says this is getting old. First complaint I have heard from him. He can complain all he wants to. He has all cause to do so.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like there must be some drugs to help him like pain pills or weed or something. I'm such a wimp when it comes to this kind of thing. Feeling dizzy and nauseated is the pits. Sorry, not too much good input.
