Monday, April 30, 2012

New normal

There is no new medical information lately. That is good. We attempt to get "back to normal," however, a new normal will need to be drawn. It is always there. One year ago, we had no idea this chapter would be written. Dale quietly was sliding down the cancer trail, and my patience wore thin for want of better answers than, "I don't feel up to it. I am tired." Now we know. And although, there is a clean bill of health now, we know it was, we know it may come back, we know remission can be short, and we know the battle is tough. For now, though, the new normal includes: 


May we be granted many years ahead building and practicing our new normal. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Aggressive treatment completed

The bone marrow doctor was more concerned about the lymph nodes in Dale's stomach and told him to make sure those are carefully watched. This doctor seems to be very thorough and gives information for better understanding of Dale's condition. He also told Dale his treatment was one of the most aggressively treated mantle cell patients he has seen and Dale did very well with it. Next time with him will be at the one year mark, January 2013. Immunizations begin in July.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Recovery time

We met with Dale's cancer doctor today. She verified good health reports, changed one medication, and set an appointment in one month mainly for the medication change. Recovery time is well on its way and there are no signs of continuing cancer symptoms. His lymphoma system seems to function as well as it should after a bone marrow transplant. The doctor indicated his fragile state in comparison to other 60 year old males, but Dale is doing very well. The immunization process begins about six months out from bone marrow transplant date, so about July. In the meantime, be wise whose air he breathes. She also told him not to have a colonoscopy for awhile. He is happy about that.

Several nurses thought he looked so good they had to rub his head and its baby soft hair. The nurse told him to not just walk around the yard (he did not tell her he mows the lawn while walking the yard) but to walk 15 to 20 minutes a day and increase it weekly. Hmmm. Who else tells him that? The tingling and coldness in feet may come from chemo treatments but also from his diabetes. She gave ideas to help with that (actually nothing I had not suggested already!). I certainly know my care-taking job for the recovery chapter.

Tomorrow we meet with the bone marrow doctor, who will have specifics on bone marrow transplant progress and what to look for. Things are looking good.

Today at Day 110 and cancer free

Just before treatment began and full of cancer
Middle of treatment 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Preliminary results

Preliminary test results are positive. The PA said bone marrow biopsy was good, blood counts okay, and pulmonary low, but that makes sense with Dale's sedimentary lifestyle for the past 11 months. His spleen is enlarged from the July report-that could be the infections of diarrhea lingering. Dale's color is better today, however, he is still fatigued. Along with his colonoscopy, they may order the esophagus/stomach screening, checking on his digestive/abdominal issues. I hope they change instruments and don't forget what end is up. I am glad he has time off to recoup as long as possible.

I met and thanked Mrs. Huntsman today for the cancer institute. She put her arm around me and told me how sorry she was that we had to go through the cancer experience. She is a kind and gracious woman.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cold feet

We don't know what is going on, however, Dale feels lousy today with abdominal pains, low energy, grayish in color. He rested all day long. His feet and hands are consistently cold, blood pressure high, but then low, so he is not taking blood pressure medications right now. Tomorrow they want blood labs along with consult with a physician's assistance, so there won't be any definitive answers yet. Just more data for them.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Tests went well today, as far as I can see so far anyway. What do I know? PET scan took about 2 1/2 hours, chest x-rays were quick, blood labs, and pulmonary tests, reasonable, and the bone marrow biopsy was speedy. Because Dale was given a pain killer, he rests solidly still this evening. He looks not pale, tired, or sick, but older and grayer. He has probably aged 5-7 years in the last 10 months. Me? I didn't age. Just became wider, I mean wiser. His emotional well-being seems improved. He jokes, teases, and has sharpened his wit. We will not meet with his doctors until next week for test results. Tuesday we meet with the cancer doctor, the next day the bone marrow doctor. That gives the doctors more time to read and analyze tests results which is okay with us. Reports will follow. The fourth colonoscopy within this year is three weeks from now, then I suspect the Huntsman doctors may want to see him again for more discussions. It is not over yet, however, I believe that Dale's progress is in the right direction.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

100 Day Celebration

Dale feels better especially since there have not been extra laundry loads for about a week. He made it through the 100 day weekend celebration I made him endure plus we have good food left over from the culinary artisans that brought portions of the dinner. It was a good thing to do.

Dale is restless. He needs to go back to work.With more energy to do what he wants to get done, he finds projects to complete and readies for the next one. Good thing it is springtime so there are many spring cleaning things to get done.

Tomorrow is day of tests. Reports on Wednesday.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Check it off the list

I have my office back. We moved Dale's PC stuff downstairs and I have mine upstairs in my room with a view. The clutter of a PC and all its cords moved out of our main view versus the clean simplicity of a MAC makes me happy! It took me 1/2 hour to re-hook up all the tangled mess of PC, and only 30 seconds to connect the MAC. One more thing checked of Dale's list making my existence comfortable. What a guy!

He complained of not feeling well most of the day as the diarrhea continues. What an annoyance for him. There must be something that can be done. Hope it is just diarrhea. Couple more days and tests, results, and doctor consulting may tell us more. Today is day 99! Good progress, except digestive issues.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

People need people

Day 98 since bone marrow transplant had Dale sitting on the front porch admiring the view, feeling the winds of an incoming storm, and resting in between yard chores. Whoa! Back up, rewind! Yard chores? What is he thinking? With surgical mask on, he exercises as he works in the yard--one of his great joys. Probably good this year, because the lawn looks pretty bad right now and needs Dale's passionate care.

We had a pleasant visit with our church leaders tonight, checking in on both of us and the cancer journey. We continue to feel the care, love, and prayers of good people around us. I have heard Dale on the phone with his co-workers; they miss him and the spirit of support shines in their conversations. My co-workers show me continual support, understanding, and excitement as they hear or read of Dale's progress. People need people. We sure do.

Not if but when

As you read Dale's blog, you feel his emotions of frustration and respect/fear of cancer. It is no respecter of people and takes it own course. He works to make sure all will be well for me when the day comes he is not able to do so. It is not an if but when it happens. Life has been shortened for Dale. Maybe 15 more years, maybe 1. With that in his mind, all things must be in order for him. He is feeling the urgency to accomplish what he feels must be done and that is hard, when he does not feel physically well enough to do so, however, he keeps working at it the best he can.

Dale makes it through each day with varying levels of energy with the emotional impact cancer has on his existence. Appetite is low, food is tasteless, joy in a good day of production is minimal. He does what he can and frustrates that he can't do more. Dale is my hero and always will be. He does well in my eyes.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Unfairness in lymphoma

Dale does not feel well at all today. Chills, headache, fatigue, and more diarrhea. He tries hard to be positive and upbeat, however, he feels like ________p! But no extra laundry loads today, yet.

Our sweet, young friend passed away this morning. Her battle was valiantly fought with courage.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Improving slightly

Dale happily made it through all three hours of church today. He is able to do much more each day than he has for a long time. He still has some situations after he eats that are uncontrollable, however, the diarrhea is not as bad as a week ago. In a week, he will undergo all the tests for BMT for progress and also meet with the BMT doctor for test results. A week after that, his cancer doctor.

We took the week off and traveled about 3 hours south for Spring Break. No unplanned stops on the way there but two on the way back. The break was good and well appreciated.

Our young friend who has lymphoma, is not doing well. We are so sad for her and her family. Cancer is not kind.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gift of hope

Appointments are on April 16th for all the medical tests, PT, CT, lungs, heart, bone marrow biopsy, etc checking Dale's overall progress. The reports will be compared to tests completed before bone marrow transplant, and hopefully, of course, a clean report of progress will be heard. Dale seems to do okay but needs periodic rest periods.

We were at a store talking with a sales representative when Dale excused himself to sit down. The salesman and I continued talking and found that he had lymphoma cancer treatment, remission, and a few years later, lymphoma chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant for the second round. The two men immediately bonded exchanging stories, and comparing treatments. The salesman provided Dale with well needed HOPE for the next several years, indicating the progress made from his first to second rounds of chemotherapy and then again to Dale's treatments. Cancer research is gaining successes all the time. And interesting, that we happened to meet with this gentleman. We purchased nothing, but left with gift of HOPE.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

In favorite chair resting

Dale rests after hours of honey did projects. Jan did all the projects. Dale tires watching.