Monday, November 21, 2011

Root beer float

Since Dale quit taking the anti-biotics that may cause the side effects, he has felt better. He has said a few times that he is getting tired of this whole deal. His low balance, weakness, and constant tremors seem to take over feeling well. His mind is good, which means time is slow to pass. TV gets old. He says reading is difficult because of his tremors so the book shakes constantly. Audio books elude him because that involves technology he does not have strength (desire?) to learn.

Sunday, again was good. We live in a great neighborhood with people who have depth and love for another. One bit of bad news, though. The retired dentist who has served us so well, is in the hospital with pulmonary embolism. He is doing well and Dale and he can converse on the phones while they are healing. He helped me diagnose my mouth sores when he visited Saturday. Stress. Yes, stress causes the sores and tenderness I have. Imagine me having stress! Maybe that will help me to quit eating. Cold feels good and perhaps fizz. Sounds like root beer floats to me.

The cure for mouth sores!!??!!

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