Sunday, February 5, 2012

Public appearance

Dale made his first public appearance (besides grocery stores and hospitals) today at church. First off, he looked pretty sharp in his suit. Next, it was fun to see the delight many neighbors had when they recognized he was there. Several took a minute to figure who it was. Clues included his bald head, surgical mask, and my big grin. We could feel the excitement and joy so many felt for his progress thus far. It was good to share in the blessings we have felt in this cancer journey. Good folk around us sustaining us both, not only on Sundays within our neighborhood but extending to our work families, friends all over, and our families. Gratitude to all. The treatment is completed, now the maintenance begins.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That is so exciting! I wish I were there to see the joy. My love and prayers are with you both. ~ Amanda
