Dale's day brought more diarrhea and a much weaker state. We thought we would go for a drive today, just to get him out of the house, but the thought of bringing a porta-potty with us-quashed the idea. His appetite is nothing, yet he knows he should eat. We go through several suggestions and options before we agree what he will eat. He said: "I don't know why I am so weak!" My answer: "It is because you haven't had ice cream for a long time!" Dale responds with: "I don't think I will ever eat ice cream again..."
No more ice cream sharing! |
My reaction: so sad! One of the simple pleasures of life! I suppose he has come to the necessity of becoming a person who eats-to-live instead of living-to-eat. Sad transitions of life's changes.
But think about it, Dale has been horizontal for the past seven months, in hospital beds, couches, or bed at home. He does not walk further than the bathroom or kitchen, and on a good day, down the stairs (and eventually back up the stairs). Muscle tone is gone. He needs physical therapy and a trainer to come in and get him conditioned in a manner his body can handle. My gentle persuasions haven't worked.
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