Dale is not feeling well today. Tired, weak, headache, swollen bloodshot eyes. Heart rate up, two units of oxygen, and now nausea setting in. When I arrived Dale had a visitor, however, Dale said very little. That is an indication he feels lousy. He is usually cordial, complimentary, and friendly. He is maintaining the best he can. Hopefully, he will get a good night's sleep. Sleep always helps. Chemotherapy does not treat the recipient kindly.
I look forward to the day that we are greeted as Dale & Jan, not "how's Dale doing now?" I wrote another blog about cancer consuming us, well, it does. There is more to us than cancer, it is just high on the consumption list at this time. For awhile, it was one moment at a time, now, it is now one 1/2 a day at a time, that means improvement. We talk about what we will do after I also retire, and it sounds fun, so we had better get there--together! That means Dale is feeling he will make it through the cancer for a few more years. There is hope. Lots of it.
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