Dale is just hanging in there, has fears of the unknown physical surprises, however, is eating simple meals today. He organized his medications in such a way that he knows which hour he is to take which medication. That will be helpful. We had to line up which generic name matched what medication listed-a bit confusing, but we got it organized, now. The home-care nurse flushed and cleaned his lines. She also spoke with us about what to expect and what to look for. Dale's feet are swollen and his blood pressure is high, even though he is back on the medication for it. The nurse called Huntsman, gave the information and was instructed to have Dale watch over it, be calm, and keep feet raised. They are still a bit swollen, but not quite as bad as earlier.
I suppose a day of Football on TV is a good thing, especially if your team wins. That is what Dale is doing today, comfy in his Lazy-Boy Chair, downstairs, watching football. What?? Downstairs? He has been banned from downstairs previously. Well, his balance, energy, and his independence levels are pretty good, especially compared to 7 days ago. We were in the ER at this time last week, waiting, and waiting, and waiting. I find out this morning that once he was admitted to Huntsman, the doctor had a discussion with him about what if they needed to resuscitate him if it got to that point that night. Or in other words, he was on the edge of death. Good thing we let ER and Huntsman take over. That is what we were dealing with all week-weakness, low blood pressure, the diarrhea all while his blood count got lower and lower. Dale has a Living Will and they will just follow his desires from that document.
Me? I took care of domestic chores and concentrated on assisting Dale in whatever he needs to be okay. I am working hard to keep him in the state of mind that he needs enabling him to deal with all these ailments. Friends have called, sent cards, or visited to make sure all is well. Thank you. My studies? In my head still, although I did make a title page for the next section I am writing.
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