I suddenly woke up at 2:24 AM with the thought I had better call the hospital. I did and the nurse told me Dale's night was not so good, headache still. Oxygen treatment did not help. I suspect sinus infections, but wouldn't one think with all the chemo going in to kill off the cancer, wouldn't it kill off almost everything else? It amazes me that a specific drug will only do its part of the job and nothing else. Perhaps they will give him antibiotics for his sinuses. I guess chemo does not kill off infections--probably kills the white blood cells that are supposed to kill of infections--that's gotta be it.
I appreciated speaking with the nurse and figured I could go back to sleep. Didn't work, so I go up, worked on my assignment, submitted the paper, and now, one more thing checked off my list.
Oh look, the sun is coming up and bicyclers and joggers are out and about.
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