Appointments are on April 16th for all the medical tests, PT, CT, lungs, heart, bone marrow biopsy, etc checking Dale's overall progress. The reports will be compared to tests completed before bone marrow transplant, and hopefully, of course, a clean report of progress will be heard. Dale seems to do okay but needs periodic rest periods.
We were at a store talking with a sales representative when Dale excused himself to sit down. The salesman and I continued talking and found that he had lymphoma cancer treatment, remission, and a few years later, lymphoma chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant for the second round. The two men immediately bonded exchanging stories, and comparing treatments. The salesman provided Dale with well needed HOPE for the next several years, indicating the progress made from his first to second rounds of chemotherapy and then again to Dale's treatments. Cancer research is gaining successes all the time. And interesting, that we happened to meet with this gentleman. We purchased nothing, but left with gift of HOPE.